My daily trawl of Internet sites in search of things I want, but can never afford, usually sees me drooling over the latest Miu Miu and Louboutin heels emblazened on Net-a-Porter. I sigh, I cry, I curse the fact that I have not yet won the lottery and then go back to the beloved Topshop website. However, my latest craving may not be a futile one. Anna Lou of London accessorises have been making the style rounds of late and quite rightly so. Their inherent charm is oh-so cute and they are just the right amount of tacky. Probably why Anna Lou of London was recently selected as the one to watch in fashion and retail by the Observer Courvoisier Future 500 List. And with a new consignment in Topshop, I can combine my new lust with my old love.

These bracelets are on my wishlist. Them, and a sugar daddy...
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