An eerie looking girl in a dark room was the star of a video installation that started the Cooperative Designs fashion show. And once she had finished sufficiently creeping out the audience, the lights dimmed and the first model strutted down the catwalk complete with flared legwarmers and knitted breastplate.

If knitwear isn't you cup of tea, then you were out of luck at the Cooperative Designs show, as that's what design duo Annalisa Dunn and Dorothee Hagemann do best. Big, crazy knits were paramount, accessorised with knitted legwarmers and ridiculously huge, backcombed hair. Like many other shows this week the dominating colours were the staples black, white and grey with hints of red and orange. An oversized red jumper dress was my personal favourite, but the crazy award has to go to a dress made entirely from almost football sized knitted baubles. Dazed and Confused's oh-so-trendy fashion editor Katie Shillingford sat front row and lapped up the show, as we all bopped along to Madonna's Get Into The Groove and, erm, got into the groove!
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